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5 Tips to Increase Sales using Digital Content

Buyers have moved online and they’re clamoring for personalized digital content to help them make their purchase decision. Are you prepared to give them what they need? 

This handy tip sheet will reveal: 

  • why the traditional sales pitch is dead 
  • what today’s buyers expect from the sales relationship 
  • how to tailor content to the stages of the buyer’s journey 
  • how to personalize digital content to increase sales 
  • what tech tools simplify the process 

Unlock the secret to closing more deals using the power of personalized digital content to engage and persuade buyers.  

Download the Tip Sheet

5 Tips for increasing sales using digital Content

FACT: Personalized digital sales content is the secret to winning more business.


The days of long pitch lunches and face-to-face meetings where you could work your sales magic are gone. In this new digital business ecosystem, a sales professional’s primary job is to provide the digital content, tools, and resources that buyers need to make an informed decision.

So where do you start?

Tip #1: Accept that the sales role has changed

The modern buying journey is increasingly driven by a self-directed digital approach, with the majority of buyers preferring not to interact with a sales rep as their primary source of information. Buyers have moved online and there’s no going back.

Given that sellers have less and less opportunity to influence customer decisions, your main job now is to guide and support buyers along their learning and discovery path by providing tailored informational content via various digital channels.

Tip #2: Understand the buyer's journey

In order to deliver content that resonates with buyers, you need to understand the complexities of the buyer’s journey and personalize your content to what matters to them at each stage.

  1.  Awareness

    Buyers are seeking knowledge. You should help them understand their problem, how industry challenges and trends impact their business, how other businesses are tackling the issue, and how your solution could help them solve their problem.

    Consider industry-related ebooks, educational webinars, or articles from industry publications
  2. Evaluation

    Buyers are assessing potential vendors. Engage prospects with relevant digital content and tools that position your company as the best solution to their problem.

    Think product guides, how-to videos, ROI calculator.

  3. Selection

    Buyers have compiled a short list. They need to choose a vendor and gain consensus from multiple stakeholders. Your aim is to demonstrate that your company is more than a vendor; you’re a partner. Build emotional buyer engagement through transparency and trust and provide real-life social proof of your solution’s effectiveness.

    Share customer testimonials, product reviews, and case studies.

Tip #3: Make buyers feel like partners

Modern buyers expect to be treated as partners, not targets. They want experiences that are:

  1. Connected: Work with buyers using a shared set of goals throughout the pre- and post-sale experience.
  2. Open: Think ‘more visibility’ and ‘easier access to relevant information.’ It’s all about trust and building authentic relationships via digital channels in lieu of in-person connection.

Collaborative: Help buyers understand their business challenges. Provide targeted content at each stage of the buyer’s journey to help them evaluate solutions.

Tip #4: Personalize for profit

The traditional sales pitch tends to focus on your solution, but the key to winning business is to put the primary focus on the buyer instead. Tailor your website, digital channels, and content streams to showcase a detailed understanding of the buyer, their industry, and their pain points.

Engage prospects with a personalized buyer experience by developing a strong understanding of:

  • Industry drivers
  • Business challenges
  • Market forces & trends
  • Project objectives & risks
  • Key operating metrics
  • Financial benchmarking

Tip #5: Simplify the buyer’s journey

Your aim as a sales professional is to create a simple and frictionless buyer experience. And what’s the best way to achieve this goal? Curate content, resources, and tools across each stage of the buyer’s journey to help prospects clear any hurdles in their path and make selecting your solution an easy choice.

One trick to simplifying the decision-making process for buyers—and delivering the right content at the right time—is to let technology do the heavy lifting. With a sales enablement platform, such as Highspot, you can create a repeatable revenue engine by engaging buyers with content that aligns with where they are in the buying journey, delivered via their preferred engagement channels. Plus, you’ll be notified when prospects open, download, or share content so you can see which content is resonating with buyers.  

By combining sales enablement with business-critical document generation from QorusDocs, you can quickly and easily create and manage content for your customer-facing teams AND seamlessly complete the sales cycle with personalized and data-driven sales presentations, proposals, and RFP responses. You’re good to go! 

Final Word

Given the demise of the traditional sales pitch, it’s time to embrace the power of digital content to guide, support, and influence buyers. Did you know Gartner says 80% of B2B sales interactions between suppliers and buyers will occur in digital channels by 2025? Don’t get left behind.

Remember: personalized digital content that’s delivered at the right time in support of each stage of the buyer’s journey = more sales.

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