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Download your free Proposal and SoW templates: your must-have key to growth

Impress your prospects and clients with brilliant business critical documents. Get started with our Proposal templates!

  • It's critical to make a great impression with every proposal opportunity
  • Set yourself apart from the competition and win more business.
  • Save time by using our proven proposal template to get started

We know that putting winning proposals together can be time consuming. But we’ve made the process easier for you, freeing up more of your valuable time where it will drive the greatest return.

Use our free template to create a customized proposal that conveys your unique value.

We’ve included tips and notes to guide you through the process of completing your document. 


Your proposal should showcase your understanding of your prospect’s needs and how your company’s solution is able to address their requirements. It should combine key company information, your unique selling proposition, and other information – like your deliverables and pricing – that will set the stage for further negotiations and, ultimately, help you close the deal.

Use our sample proposal as a guideline to compile your own.

Note: Update the suggested wording contained in this template and/or include any legal language as required by your company's legal representative.

Double click on the header to include your company logo and on the footer to include your company’s name and website link.

Replace <placeholder content> with your own content and delete all gray shaded tip blocks by selecting the text box and hitting backspace.

Insert graphics or pull quotes to add visual appeal and to support the information you add to this proposal as you personalize it for your prospect.

Love the template but want to automate the process?

QorusDocs is cloud-based proposal management software that streamlines RFP responses and automates proposal creation. Intuitive and easy-to-use, QorusDocs enables teams to quickly respond to RFPs and create personalized, professional-looking proposals in minutes instead of hours, directly from Microsoft Office apps and popular CRM systems.


The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and set the tone for the next section. Write something about the customer’s industry / business environment to show your understanding of their context. The below text serves as an example and should be replaced according to your requirements and the appropriate context.

In today’s rapidly changing business climate, companies have to remain agile and willing to adapt their strategies as disruptions occur. One of the most evident areas where this need is seen is <add detail as it relates to prospect’s company OR adapt intro>.

Next, dive into the prospect’s specific business and what you understand to be driving their need. In other words, provide an overview of the opportunity and how your proposed offering fits into the picture. Add additional value by including a list of objectives.

<Prospect’s company name> is well recognized as <describe business in brief>.

We are pleased to present this proposal to <prospect’s company name> for your consideration. We understand that <introduce challenges or needs experienced by prospect and bullet key items below>.

  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>

Taking your specific requirements into consideration, we aim to showcase how our solution will add value to your organization. We have compiled this proposal with your needs and budget in mind and look forward to discussing the way forward.


  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>

Proposed Solution

<Include the details that are unique to your company, highlighting its unique selling propositions.>

Paint a picture of how the prospect would be able to use your solution to address their challenges. Provide tangible information on the value your business provides for its customers and what sets it apart from the competition. Be sure not to bog down prospects with redundant information and surface-level details that they would already know about your company.


  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>


Give the specifics of what your offering includes and what the prospect can expect when using your solution or services. Provide them with an idea of the quantifiable goals and the return on investment they can expect from working with your company.


<Your company's name> is committed to delivering <include details>.


Deliverable What this <includes / entails / involves>
<Deliverable> <Description / additional info>
<Deliverable> <Description / additional info>
<Deliverable> <Description / additional info>

Expected results / impact

  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>


If applicable, provide a timeline for execution, from start to finish. Indicate the various steps involved in the process, what each one entails, and the anticipated duration of each phase.


<Your company's name> has compiled the below timeline as a guideline. Dates are subject to change and will be re-evaluated on acceptance of this proposal.


Description Duration Start date End date
<Installation / delivery / project start> <Add info> <MM/DD/YYYY> <MM/DD/YYYY>
<Phase 1> <Add info> <MM/DD/YYYY> <MM/DD/YYYY>
<Phase 2> <Add info> <MM/DD/YYYY> <MM/DD/YYYY>
<Phase 3> <Add info> <MM/DD/YYYY> <MM/DD/YYYY>
<Final phase / roll-out / project end> <Add info> <MM/DD/YYYY> <MM/DD/YYYY>

<Your company’s name>’s qualifications

<Your company’s name> has a proven track record in <include details> and has been recognized as:

  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>


Use this as an opportunity to highlight any key strengths or achievements that support your proposal and set you apart from competitors.

Customer Testimonials

Showcase how happy your existing customers are by including case studies or testimonials from them. It’s also a great idea to highlight success stories with stats or data, if possible.


"<Your company name> has demonstrated <imclude remainder of quote>".

- <Name and Last Name 1>, <Title>, <Company Name>

"We began working with <your company name> in <year> and have had excellent results ever since. <Include remainder of quote>".

- <Name and Last Name 2>, <Title>, <Company Name>

If applicable, include mention of your team members who will be responsible for the various roles that relate to the project.

The Team

<Your company’s name> is pleased to advise that the following team members will be looking after <the successful implementation of our product / rollout of this project / delivery of our services>.


Role Name Contact details
<Job title> <Name> <Email address / mobile number>
<Job title> <Name> <Email address / mobile number>
<Job title> <Name> <Email address / mobile number>


Include details on how your pricing structure works. Be as descriptive as possible to avoid misleading the reader in any way.


The solution described in this proposal is priced on a / an <insert detail> basis, as described in the table below.


Deliverable Description Price <per user / per month / per year>
<Product / Service> <Additional Detail> <$ 0.00>
<Product / Service> <Additional Detail> <$ 0.00>
<Product / Service> <Additional Detail> <$ 0.00>
Total <$ 0.00>

Terms and Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully.

Include any applicable terms and conditions. Once again, be as clear as possible to avoid any misunderstandings.


<Insert the applicable details>

<Insert the applicable details>


Wrap up with a statement that reiterates your company’s willingness to support the prospect and offer them a solution to their challenge. Summarize any key points from the document that you’d like the prospect to be reminded of and be sure to leave the prospect with a good impression of your company.


We are confident that <your company’s name> is ideally positioned to support <customer’s company name>’s endeavors to <summarize key objectives> and look forward to working with you.

If you have any questions on this proposal, feel free to contact me at your convenience. I will be in touch with you <state when, e.g. next week> to arrange a follow-up discussion.

Thank you for your consideration,

<Your signature>

<Your name and last name>

<Your title>


Please sign the below to indicate your approval of our proposed solution.

<Your company's name> <Customer's company name>
<Signature> <Signature>
<Your name and last name> <Customer's name and last name>


Wrap up with a statement that reiterates your company’s willingness to support the prospect and offer them a solution to their challenge. Summarize any key points from the document that you’d like the prospect to be reminded of and be sure to leave the prospect with a good impression of your company.

About <Your company name>

Founded in <year>, <your company's name> is a leader in <include details>.

<Your company's website link>