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Download your free Statement of Work (SoW) template: secure business in a professional way

Impress your prospects and clients with standout business critical documents.

  • Use this SOW template to quickly and efficiently make a great first impression
  • Show off unique talents and services your company can bring to your prospective client
  • Set yourself apart from the competition and win more business.

Save valuable time and use our free template to create a customized SoW. 

We’ve included tips and notes to guide you through the process of completing your document. 


A statement of work (SoW) is a critical document that details the working agreement between two parties. It should outline the scope of a project and should offer specifics on what will be delivered, what work will be done, when it will be done and at what cost, what can be expected, as well as the terms and conditions that apply, among other important details. SoWs need to be carefully compiled to ensure that the necessary information is accurately and clearly communicated.


Use our sample SoW as a guideline to compile your own.

Note: Update the suggested wording contained in this template and/or include any legal language as required by your company's legal representative.

Double click on the header to include your company logo and on the footer to include your company’s name and website link.

Complete the tables as applicable, replace <placeholder content> with your own content, and delete all gray shaded tip blocks by selecting the text box and hitting backspace.

Love the template but want to automate the process?

QorusDocs is cloud-based proposal management software that streamlines RFP responses and automates proposal creation. Intuitive and easy-to-use, QorusDocs enables teams to quickly respond to RFPs and create personalized, professional-looking proposals in minutes instead of hours, directly from Microsoft Office apps and popular CRM systems.


Include an introduction about what led to the necessity for this project. The below text serves as an example and should be replaced according to your requirements and the appropriate context.


<Your company’s name> recognizes that in today’s rapidly changing business climate, companies have to remain agile and willing to adapt their strategies as disruptions occur. Knowing that <add detail as it relates to prospect’s company>, <your company’s name> is committed to solving <customer’s company name>’s challenges as they relate to this context.

The Team

Role Name  Contact Details
<Job title> <Name and last name> <Email address / mobile number>
<Job title> <Name and last name> <Email address / mobile number>
<Job title> <Name and last name> <Email address / mobile number>

Scope of work

The scope of work section should name and outline the details of the project, as well as who is responsible for the various roles that relate to the project.


This Statement of Work (SoW) is entered into by and between <customer’s company name> and <your company name> pursuant to the parties’ <master agreement> dated <MM/DD/YYYY>.


Project Description

<Your company’s name> will carry out <include overview of scope of work>.


Key Objectives

  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>

Project deliverables

Give the specifics of what your offering includes and what the prospect can expect when using your solution or services.


Deliverable What this <includes / entails / involves>
<Deliverable> <Description / additional info>
<Deliverable> <Description / additional info>
<Deliverable> <Description / additional info>


Expected results / impact

  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>

Supporting Tasks

In this section, dive into more detail about what the scope of work entails. List the specific actions that will be taken to produce the deliverables and who will be responsible for those tasks. You could break the tasks down according to certain milestones or into phases.


Description Task Detail Person responsible
< Installation / delivery / project start> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>
<Phase 1> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>
<Phase 2> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>
<Phase 3> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>
<Milestone> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>
<Final phase / roll-out / project end> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>


Where the work will take place

Provide an indication of where the work you’re contracted to do will take place, whether any other facilities will be required, and where the necessary equipment or software will be located.


Description Task Detail Person responsible
< Installation / delivery / project start> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>
<Phase 1> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>
<Phase 2> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>
<Phase 3> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>
<Milestone> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>
<Final phase / roll-out / project end> <Add info> <Add info> <Name and last name>

Timeline / Schedule

Provide a timeline for execution, from start to finish. Indicate the various steps involved in the process, what each one entails, and the anticipated duration of each phase.


Description Duration Start date End date
<Installation / delivery / project start> <Add info> <MM/DD/YYYY> <MM/DD/YYYY>
<Phase 1> <Add info> <MM/DD/YYYY> <MM/DD/YYYY>
<Phase 2> <Add info> <MM/DD/YYYY> <MM/DD/YYYY>
<Phase 3> <Add info> <MM/DD/YYYY> <MM/DD/YYYY>
<Final phase / roll-out / project end> <Add info> <MM/DD/YYYY> <MM/DD/YYYY>


List any requirements that are necessary for the completion of the project, such as equipment, qualifications required of team members, travel, or other aspects that have not yet been covered.


<Your company's name><include details>.


<Your company's name>'s responsibilities

  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>

<Customer's company name>'s responsibilities

  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>

Mutual responsibilities

  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>

Indicate whether there are any industry standards that need to be adhered to, whether there will be product testing, as well as who will be responsible for that process. Define what “success” means in relation to your project’s completion or your deliverables. In addition to this, mention what criteria will be used to determine whether the deliverables are acceptable.

Success criteria

<Your company's name><include details>.

Phase / milestone Benchmark / measurement / success criteria Person responsible
<Phase 1> <Include details> <Name and last name>
<Phase 2> <Include details> <Name and last name>
<Phase 3> <Include details> <Name and last name>
<Milestone> <Include details> <Name and last name>

Risks and mitigations

Risk Mitigation / contingency plan
<Add info>  
<Add info>  
<Add info>  

Payment terms

List the payments related to the project or deliverables and whether they are required up front, over time, or after completion. Be as clear as possible to avoid any misunderstandings.


Rate schedule

Deliverable Description Delivery schedule Price
<Product / Service> <Additional Detail> <MM/DD/YYYY> <$ 0.00>
<Product / Service> <Additional Detail> <MM/DD/YYYY> <$ 0.00>
<Product / Service> <Additional Detail> <MM/DD/YYYY> <$ 0.00>


Payment terms

Phase Completion date Payments due
<Phase 1> <MM/DD/YYYY> <$ 0.00>
<Phase 2> <MM/DD/YYYY> <$ 0.00>
<Phase 3> <MM/DD/YYYY> <$ 0.00>

Terms and Conditions

Include any applicable terms and conditions. Once again, be as clear as possible to avoid any misunderstandings.


Please read the following terms and conditions carefully.

<Insert the applicable details>


If you haven’t already covered them, list any general assumptions to do with the project or your deliverables here. This might include details about who will provide what materials or services, for example.


<Your company's name><include details>.

  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>


If there are any other parts of the project that are not suited to the above sections, add them here to be sure that all the necessary details are covered. You might, for example, need to go into details around security, hardware or software restrictions, support details, or similar.


<Your company's name><include details>.

  • <List item 1>
  • <List item 2>

Acceptance and authorization

<Your company's name> <Customer's company name>
<Signature> <Signature>
<Your name and last name> <Customer's name and last name>